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Non-Wrestling Topics
Headlines: (Insert Trump Administration's Latest Laughable and/or Reprehensible Act Here)  
It's a big world out there. Politics, religion, and other matters of national and global importance all get discussed here. As do all the countless stupid things that people do that end up getting reported by the media.
2083 29649
7-20-2017 at 04:51 AM
New Thread
Music: The Part of WrestleMania When We Pee  
Anybody who's anybody has SOME interest in music, whether it be past or present, rock or rap, kick-ass or guilty-pleasure. So, c'mon: what's your poison, Potsie?
708 8383
6-22-2017 at 06:32 PM
by OOMike
New Thread
Movies/TV/Etc: Why John Cena is Leaving Again After WM  
"Mess Board Give Dev Deal to Multi-Plat Forum, Boffo Convo Expected!" In other words: if "Variety" can invent pitiable non-English-language headlines about it, you'll talk about it here. Movies, TV shows, and books are all fair game.
1698 32364
7-20-2017 at 10:11 AM
by Paddlefoot
New Thread
Sports: Shaq? Oh, Shaq? Anybody Seen Shaq?  
Of course you're much smarter than your favorite team's coach, management, and ownership. But for starters, why not try just keeping your sports observations 90% less-retarded than Jim Rome's and prove you're smarter than a bunch of OO's rabid and knowledgeable fans?
970 49576
7-2-2017 at 06:40 AM
by Flash
New Thread
Tech: New Day Pops... the REAL Ice Cream of the Future~!  
If you have to plug it in or it has a battery, you can probably discuss it here: PCs, consoles, gadgets, the internet, and of course, all the software and games you need to get the most out of said items.
1050 13169
7-17-2017 at 04:40 AM
by Matte
New Thread
Parts Unknown: Hulk Hogan Sex Tape? What Hulk Hogan Sex Tape?  
If it doesn't fit anywhere else, and really has no business being posted in public to begin with, *this* is where it goes. Announcements, introductions, cathartic ranting, retarded YouTubes, pointless flamewars: that sort of thing. The truly scary part is that tons of people will still read it. Because OO loves it some trainwrecks!
3291 55483
7-14-2017 at 12:33 PM
by OOMike
New Thread

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