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Author: Subject: OO Universe's homage to the next President of the USoA

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posted on 7-18-2017 at 07:08 PM Edit Post Reply With Quote
As far as Charger and NAFTA goes, fair enough. I just know that he's a huge anti-free trade sort of guy. But I don't want to mistake a point he made, either. So thanks.

As far as the rest? I think there's equal blame to be had by all Democrats, and that 2018 needs to be a recovery year. The Democrats also need to dump Pelosi, and Hillary needs to stay the hell away from their functions. The Dems have a lot of anger and a lot of ammunition to use this time around.

I hope they fire often and accurately. And I mean that for both wingnut far left and angry old men moderates.

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Man of a Thousand Holds

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posted on 7-19-2017 at 01:09 AM Edit Post Reply With Quote
I blame Trump on exactly one group of people: people who voted for Trump.

Because all the other stuff - identity politics, economic tension, shifting demographics, blah blah blah - all of that only matters in a close race. And this shouldn't have been close. It should've been a landslide. Hillary, Bernie, Jill Stein, Ron Paul, a bucket of wet cement - I'd have voted for any of those before Trump. I won't go through the laundry list of shit that he did because we all lived with that election for far too long as it is.

Last year's election taught me that a significant proportion of our country is just fucking stupid. Yeah, I wish more progressives had come out to vote, more minorities, more sensible middle class people who could get over their ennui over the 'two evils' and just pull the fucking lever. I wish the media had the balls to actually call out when someone blatantly lies and give up the version of objectivity which suggests that facts can be a matter of perspective and just shrug their shoulders as if there's no way to know who's right on issues like fucking climate change.

But, in the end, I only blame the people who looked at that bloated, narcissistic, dim-witted, ketchup-sucking tantrum baby and said "Good enough for me". Because they're the ones who fucked us. They're the problem. Trump's just a fucking symptom.

"It is an impressively arrogant move to conclude that just because you don't like something, it is empirically not good. I don't like Chinese food, but I don't write articles trying to prove it doesn't exist." - Tina Fey

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posted on 7-19-2017 at 02:06 AM Edit Post Reply With Quote
Originally posted by Quentil
and Hillary needs to stay the hell away...

She's fucking awful. And there is no god. Therefore she will jump in the mix again.

The Dems need to cryo-freeze Biden until 2019. Biden-Warren in 2020.

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posted on 7-19-2017 at 04:55 AM Edit Post Reply With Quote
Originally posted by GodEatGod

Last year's election taught me that a significant proportion of our country is just fucking stupid.

Yeah, that's pretty much my takeaway. I never thought I would think half the country is that dumb, but golly, won't make that mistake again.

I only signed up so I can read the forum.

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Rocco Rock of Jabroni

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posted on 7-19-2017 at 06:04 AM Edit Post Reply With Quote
I don't want to insult them but I still literally can't believe that anyone would genuinely think that a bullshit artist like Donald Trump would solve their problems and "save" their country for them. I still can't imagine in what universe that ANYONE takes him seriously as any kind of respectable leader. Even a cursory examination of his history prior to the election would have shown that for his entire life he was nothing but the ultimate grifter. Toss in his lifelong bullying, associations with known criminals, and incessant breaking of any corporate, business, or taxation laws that he encountered and anyone with any residual respect at all for the concept of law & order should have rejected him on sight. Yeah, Clinton was and is horrible, and fuck the Dems to hell for selecting her, but in what way in terms of laws or basic morals isn't Donald Trump a thousand times worse?

Is TV really that powerful that nonsense like Celebrity Apprentice was enough to convince people that he'd be great CinC? Was the hatred for the Obamunist, and the federal government, really that strong that to Trump voters there was no other response available except to put one of the worst white-collar criminals American capitalism has ever vomited out into the White House? Only history will answer some time in the future I guess. Yeah, I know the right-wing media hate-machine is incredibly strong and influential and has deluded millions of people but who in the hell could even look at a cretin like Trump and not instantaneously know what a total piece of fucking shit he is?

[Edited on 7/19/2017 by Paddlefoot]

You know, everyone says it's not supposed to make sense, like that's the whole point, dude. And I'm just saying, you know, that's like an excuse for lazy storytelling. Just don't sell me shite and tell me it's gold, all right? I might be stoned, but I'm not high. You know what I mean?
- Cassidy from Preacher, commenting on The Big Lebowski and/or professional wrestling

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The Great One

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posted on 7-19-2017 at 12:17 PM Edit Post Reply With Quote
Originally posted by Paddlefoot
I don't want to insult them but I still literally can't believe that anyone would genuinely think that a bullshit artist like Donald Trump would solve their problems and "save" their country for them.
Was the hatred for the Obamunist, and the federal government, really that strong that to Trump voters there was no other response available except to put one of the worst white-collar criminals American capitalism has ever vomited out into the White House?
[Edited on 7/19/2017 by Paddlefoot]

I know a few Trump supporters and it comes down to those two reasons:
1. Trump will give him more money, they are in the upper tax brackets and know that any Trump tax reform will cut their tax bill, plus they own a business and blame Obamacare for all the hassle they have to go through with health care for their employees.


2. They are racist and hated that a Black dared to be in charge of this beautiful country and not know his place. Plus those damn homosexuals need to go back into the closet.

I try my best not to talk politics with the first group, I try not to talk to the second group at all.

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Rocco Rock of Jabroni

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posted on 7-19-2017 at 10:35 PM Edit Post Reply With Quote
I suppose a winning Democratic platform for 2020 would be to simply say that they'll overturn and reverse each and every single thing Trump does, much like the GOP have essentially done with anything Obama did. That presumes though that the Dems are actually interested in winning, as opposed to their usual election campaign wimp-out ritual of getting sodomized to death by the Republicans just so they can once again say after they're defeated that "at least we took the high road".

You know, everyone says it's not supposed to make sense, like that's the whole point, dude. And I'm just saying, you know, that's like an excuse for lazy storytelling. Just don't sell me shite and tell me it's gold, all right? I might be stoned, but I'm not high. You know what I mean?
- Cassidy from Preacher, commenting on The Big Lebowski and/or professional wrestling

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Rocco Rock of Jabroni

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posted on 7-20-2017 at 03:44 AM Edit Post Reply With Quote
Interesting article here in analyzing the Trump voter. Most don't believe any of the bullshit he peddles. The jobs aren't coming back, and the financial quicksand under their feet isn't going to magically change into solid ground. As per Hunter S. Thompson, which the article centers on, the entire point of voting for Trump is about "total retaliation" against being used up and then left behind by the system. Sanders understood this. Clinton is part of the elite that caused the problems to begin with and never would , or ever will, understand it. And neither will the Dems who still have far too many Clintonites in positions of power inside the party. Trump, although he's dumb as a fucking post in far too many categories to count, did understand enough that this entire phenomenon is something he could exploit, and this is why he's now in the office where he can hold a knife up against the throat of the entire fucking world.

Most people read Hell�s Angels for the lurid stories of sex and drugs. But that misses the point entirely. What�s truly shocking about reading the book today is how well Thompson foresaw the retaliatory, right-wing politics that now goes by the name of Trumpism. After following the motorcycle guys around for months, Thompson concluded that the most striking thing about them was not their hedonism but their �ethic of total retaliation� against a technologically advanced and economically changing America in which they felt they�d been counted out and left behind. Thompson saw the appeal of that retaliatory ethic. He claimed that a small part of every human being longs to burn it all down, especially when faced with great and impersonal powers that seem hostile to your very existence. In the United States, a place of ever greater and more impersonal powers, the ethic of total retaliation was likely to catch on.

What made that outcome almost certain, Thompson thought, was the obliviousness of Berkeley, California, types who, from the safety of their cocktail parties, imagined that they understood and represented the downtrodden. The Berkeley types, Thompson thought, were not going to realize how presumptuous they had been until the downtrodden broke into one of those cocktail parties and embarked on a campaign of rape, pillage, and slaughter. For Thompson, the Angels weren�t important because they heralded a new movement of cultural hedonism, but because they were the advance guard for a new kind of right-wing politics. As Thompson presciently wrote in the Nation piece he later expanded on in Hell�s Angels, that kind of politics is �nearly impossible to deal with� using reason or empathy or awareness-raising or any of the other favorite tools of the left.

You know, everyone says it's not supposed to make sense, like that's the whole point, dude. And I'm just saying, you know, that's like an excuse for lazy storytelling. Just don't sell me shite and tell me it's gold, all right? I might be stoned, but I'm not high. You know what I mean?
- Cassidy from Preacher, commenting on The Big Lebowski and/or professional wrestling

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posted on 7-20-2017 at 04:51 AM Edit Post Reply With Quote
Originally posted by Paddlefoot
bullshit artist

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