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Author: Subject: New board themes
The Great One

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posted on 11-11-2016 at 09:18 PM Edit Post Reply With Quote
Originally posted by CCharger
Divas: Grab 'Em By the Pussies, Fellas!



Current: Trumpocalypse Wow!
Spoilers: On A Long Enough Timeline The Survival Rate For Everyone Is Zero
Retro: Dewey Defeats Truman Show
Fantasy: Cthulhu Reigns Supreme
Games: The Only Winning Move Is Not To Play
Divas: Ivanka Grab Her By The Pussy
Comments About OO: Make OO Hate Again
Headlines: Hear The Lamentations of The Womyn
Music: Lee Greenwood's YUUUUGE Royalty Checks
Movies/TV/Etc: Idiocracy LIVE!
Sports: Annual Great 'Murican Border Wall Trebuchet Mexican Chuckin' Contest
Tech: You Got Server'd
Parts Unknown: Go Long Ball Bats and Barbwire
Celebrations: Orange You Glad It's OVAH!


Current: Matte and Tex Make Janerd Eat Shit And Like It

[Edited on 11-11-2016 by janerd75]

"Well, life's a bitch n' then you marry one. Alls you know now is you're goin' into the bar tonight to get just fuckin' interplanetary." - Wayne (Letterkenny)

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Man of a Thousand Holds

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posted on 11-11-2016 at 11:02 PM Edit Post Reply With Quote
Originally posted by CCharger
Current: President Trump
Spoilers: Hillary Won the Popular Vote
Retro: Bush vs. Gore
Fantasy: President Bernie Sanders
Games: The Blame Game
Divas: First Lady Melania Trump
Comments About OO: Make OO Great Again
Music: It's the End of the World As We Know It...
Movies/TV/Etc: The Apprentice: White House Edition
Tech: Those Damn Emails
Parts Unknown: America Circa 2020
Celebrations: Grab 'Em By the Pussies, Fellas!

I don't know what micro'd is. But in this new world of optimism and acceptance I'm going to say nice job CC! I think these are just the bees knees!

"I wish sarcasm was available as a font." John Stuart Mill

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Man of a Thousand Holds

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posted on 11-15-2016 at 12:21 AM Edit Post Reply With Quote
Welp... new boards clearly lean left and are insulting. I guess one shouldn't expect much from an outfit that hasn't bothered to update the main pages in months and leave unfufilled the promise on new and exciting message boards. Just like the Dems they couldn't give a rats ass about being inclusive.

"I wish sarcasm was available as a font." John Stuart Mill

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The Man

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posted on 11-15-2016 at 12:47 AM Edit Post Reply With Quote
Originally posted by merc
Welp... new boards clearly lean left and are insulting. I guess one shouldn't expect much from an outfit that hasn't bothered to update the main pages in months and leave unfufilled the promise on new and exciting message boards. Just like the Dems they couldn't give a rats ass about being inclusive.

Complaining about left leaning titles bring insulting...complains about not being inclusive....meanwhile the human dumpster wants to be advised by Steve Bannon. The same Bannon who ran a website that trafficked in anti-Semitism & misogyny.

But yeah #AllOOLivesMatter

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Steers and Queers

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posted on 11-15-2016 at 04:10 AM Edit Post Reply With Quote
Wow - not even something that was election-y. Full on "The View". Looking forward to Whoopi and Joy moderating our conversations.

Because wrestling.

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Rocco Rock of Jabroni

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posted on 11-15-2016 at 04:21 AM Edit Post Reply With Quote
Originally posted by williamssl
Wow - not even something that was election-y. Full on "The View". Looking forward to Whoopi and Joy moderating our conversations.

Because wrestling.

I refuse to respect their authority unless they can produce duly notarized activist certificates from an officially accredited womyn & gender studies department.

You know, everyone says it's not supposed to make sense, like that's the whole point, dude. And I'm just saying, you know, that's like an excuse for lazy storytelling. Just don't sell me shite and tell me it's gold, all right? I might be stoned, but I'm not high. You know what I mean?
- Cassidy from Preacher, commenting on The Big Lebowski and/or professional wrestling

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posted on 11-15-2016 at 05:55 AM Edit Post Reply With Quote
Originally posted by merc
Welp... new boards clearly lean left and are insulting. I guess one shouldn't expect much from an outfit that hasn't bothered to update the main pages in months and leave unfufilled the promise on new and exciting message boards. Just like the Dems they couldn't give a rats ass about being inclusive.

Jabs about the state of OO's update-y-ness = Fair and Warranted. The depressing series of events that led to it are now 2-3 months int he past, and I STILL don't really want to think/talk about them.

Suffice to say: I am good. My desire to invest in a wrestling website is less healthy. I will never stop paying the bills on the hosting, however, until Kevin Owens' son, Owen, makes his WWE debut, at which point OO will OOfficially win the internet, thanks to Owen Owens.

More details, or a re-reboot, at a later date. Maybe.

But if you're insulted by the folder titles? You have two choices: (1) stop being insulted, because it has nothing to do with you, an intellectually honest and decent Republican who has different policy views than me and who also does not particularly care for the president-elect regardless of his alleged party affiliation, or (2) I meant to insult you, because you are wrong to have embraced Trump as a valid candidate for president, and deserve to be reminded of it, and furthermore, anyone who has yet to form/voice an opinion canNOT be allowed to to believe that this is really what America stands for. They must see Trump and those whose fears and hatred he stoked as the fringe buffoons that they are.

This is really important. Not one joke I made in those threads has anything to do with policy or politics. It all has to do with Trump.

If your argument is some variation on "Well, Trump is terrible, but concerns about the Supreme Court and yadda yadda yadda," then fine. I disagree with you, but you're not awful: Trump is a means to an end for you., and nothing more.

But if you actually ENJOYED casting a vote for Trump, or just voted for Trump because of the false equivocation that "Hillary Allegedly Did A Bad Thing = Trump Openly Bragged About Doing ALL These Bad Things" or any other variant on "Hillary is an unlikeable bitch," then just shut up, and accept the fact that your guy lost the popular vote and represents a regressive philosophy that is going to be on the wrong side of history, and sooner than later.

It's even worse that the UK shat their pants in full view of the world BEFORE us, by Brexiting, and the elderly-and-susceptible-to-fear-mongering STILL beat out the well-informed-but-complacent-youth a second time last Tuesday. But whatever: unlike some on the other side, I don't want to pretend like Trump should be in jail, or insist on seeing his birth certificate or anytying; he IS the president elect, nothing will change that, but that doesn't mean that we shouldn't still get loud so that there is no misunderstanding the true nature of America and the Arrow of Progress, and deal with it starting in 2018....

Just for the record, and because I AM intellectually honest and capable of critical thought: the folder titles would probably have been just as dismissive of President Sanders, if that had happened.... because even though he, technically, represents "my" party (which is silly, since a two party system makes it really hard for me to ever really be beholden to one of them, when so many significant issues require that you actually CHANGE your approach based on the current situation), he is a very, very silly man who would be hard to take seriously as President.

Name a real policy or politics issue that you want to address, and OO will engage you in a sincere and fair discussion on how to achieve a compromise..... get indignant that OO made a few Trump jokes when the entire world is making them for us? Yeah, OO will shake it off and wait for a substantive debate on the issue of why we should be happy about a self-described -- and proud of it -- tax-dodging, pussy-grabbing, racist president-elect.....


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The Great One

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posted on 11-15-2016 at 05:00 PM Edit Post Reply With Quote
"It's the goddamn libtards fault!" is the new "Get off my lawn!"

To echo what The Rick said: my opposition to Trump had less to do with his policy positions (though I thought they were repugnant) and more to do with the fact that he is a punchline. We have elected an orange-haired, bloviating, bigoted reality TV star to an office once occupied by Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, Roosevelt and Kennedy. If you voted for him, you have contributed to the decline of the prestige of the office of the presidency. We are literally the laughing stock of the world right now, and Trump supporters seem to be OK with that because "we got nukes!" and "'Merica!"

Althought I am a progressive, I respect a lot of conservative people. I even share some conservative views - gun rights for example.

I do not and will not respect a man who degrades and sexually assaults women, refers to African-American as "the blacks", wants to spy on Muslim-Americans inside their own houses of worship, ban immigration based on religious views, thinks climate change is a Chinese conspiracy, and says Mexicans are mostly thieves and rapists.

That's not liberalism or conservatism. That's just common decency - something our new president apparently lacks.

[Edited on 11-15-2016 by CCharger]

"She was warned. She was given an explanation. Nevertheless, she persisted."

"The powers of the president to protect our country are very substantial and will not be questioned."
--- Stephen Miller, Trump senior White House advisor, Feb. 12, 2017

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"Family Man"

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posted on 11-15-2016 at 06:43 PM Edit Post Reply With Quote
At the risk of derailing yet another riveting post-election political debate, my idea for new board titles was to just reminisce on 2016 as a whole. I figured there was enough stuff to fill everything out. My version is a little depressing...


Current: A Sad Year for America, and Therefore the World
Spoilers: Lord Have Mercy, There's More Yet to Come
Retro: The Great Depression
Fantasy: Through Prince's Crystal Ball
Games: Dave Mirra's Freestyle BMX
Divas: Chyna Died for Our (and Her) Sins
Headlines: Trump is POTUS, God Help Us All
Music: David Bowie's Reality Tour
Movies: Gene Wilder's Land of Pure Imagination
Sports: Chicago Cubs, a Saving Grace
Tech: Approaching the Singularity
Parts Unknown: Is This the Darkest Timeline?
Celebrations: End of the (Worst) Year Party!

But sure, the political ones are fine.

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posted on 11-15-2016 at 06:52 PM Edit Post Reply With Quote
Looks like a few people need a "safe space".


(Bernie in the primaries, Hillary w/ held nose in general, for the record.)

[Edited on 11-15-2016 by PB-13]

RIP My Friend Mark, 1991-2016

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posted on 1-21-2017 at 10:30 AM Edit Post Reply With Quote
Originally posted by CCharger
"It's the goddamn libtards fault!" is the new "Get off my lawn!"

And "Benghazi & e-mails" is the new "states' rights".

RIP My Friend Mark, 1991-2016

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"Family Man"

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posted on 3-15-2017 at 12:16 AM Edit Post Reply With Quote
Besides the typo, I'm liking the new non-political board titles.

"I'm a professional. I know exactly what I'm doing." - Jeff Hardy

The Multiversal MegaTurbo Ultimate Showdown Supreme of the INHUMANS~!

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The Great One

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posted on 5-2-2017 at 07:47 PM Edit Post Reply With Quote
Current: Sean Waltman And Drugs
Spoilers: They Were Hidden Under His Dew Rag
Retro: The 1-2-3 Kid and Drugs
Fantasy: Sean Waltman Sober
Games: Waltman's Best Friend HHH
Divas: Sean Waltman Does Porn With Chyna
Comments About OO: X-Pac Heat
Headlines: Sean Waltman Arrested For Drugs at LAX
Music: Break it Down
Movies/TV/Etc: VH1's The Surreal Life
Sports: Beer Pong World Champion Sean Waltman
Tech: Kliq, Kliq, Delete
Parts Unknown: When Will Sean Waltman Hit Rock Bottom?
Celebrations: Let's Crack Open a Syxx-Pac!

"She was warned. She was given an explanation. Nevertheless, she persisted."

"The powers of the president to protect our country are very substantial and will not be questioned."
--- Stephen Miller, Trump senior White House advisor, Feb. 12, 2017

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Steers and Queers

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posted on 5-2-2017 at 07:57 PM Edit Post Reply With Quote

Don't Mess With Texas

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The Great One

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posted on 6-7-2017 at 08:44 PM Edit Post Reply With Quote
Current: Summer
Spoilers: Autumn Will Be Here in Three Months
Retro: Last Summer
Fantasy: Summer Camp Sex
Games: Lawn Darts and Slip 'N' Slides - At The Same Fucking Time!
Divas: Summer Rae
Comments About OO: Summer of My Discontent
Headlines: Great Balls of Fire! SummerSlam's Almost Here!
Music: Summer of 69
Movies/TV/Etc: Wet, Hot American Summer
Sports: Summer Olympics
Tech: Summer's Hottest New Gadgets
Parts Unknown: Next Summer
Celebrations: Fucking Beer and Fireworks, Y'all!

FFS, it's been over two months since Mania. We need some ideas for board themes, you guys! I'm dying over here!

[Edited on 6-7-2017 by CCharger]

[Edited on 6-8-2017 by CCharger]

"She was warned. She was given an explanation. Nevertheless, she persisted."

"The powers of the president to protect our country are very substantial and will not be questioned."
--- Stephen Miller, Trump senior White House advisor, Feb. 12, 2017

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