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Author: Subject: WrestleMania Prediction Thread

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posted on 3-23-2010 at 06:21 PM Edit Post Reply With Quote
WrestleMania Prediction Thread

John Cena vs. Batista, WWE Championship: John Cena

Edge vs. Chris Jericho, World Championship: Jericho

Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels, Streak vs. Career: Taker

C.M. Punk vs. Rey Mysterio- Punk. This is just the beginning of their feud, which I think (hope) will last all the way to SummerSlam in a mask vs. hair match

Triple H vs. Sheamus: Sheamus

Bret Hart vs. Mr. McMahon, No Holds Barred: Bret in a squash

Money-In-The-Bank Ladder Match: Christian

Randy Orton vs. Ted DiBiase vs. Cody Rhodes, Triple-Threat: DiBiase wins by pinning Rhodes

Big Show & The Miz vs. John Morrison & R-Truth, Unified Tag Team Championship: Show and Miz

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Steers and Queers

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posted on 3-23-2010 at 07:19 PM Edit Post Reply With Quote
Cena/Batista: Cena
Edge/Jericho: Edge
Punk/Rey: Punk
HHH/Sheamus: HHH
Hart/Vince: Hart
MITB: Christian
Teh Legacy: DiBiase over Rhodes, but then RKO's everywhere and Randy is left standing all shiny and viper-y and has a WM moment or something
Tag Titles: Miz/Morrison

Fairly balanced from a heel/face perspective, but that's in part because face wins in the "bigger" matches (Cena, Edge, Hart) forced me to go heels in the other matches to balance it out.

In all I think this is a fairly predictable card (I say that now....) but enjoyable nonetheless.

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SpeciASSl CUMedian

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posted on 3-23-2010 at 08:39 PM Edit Post Reply With Quote
I'd like to point out that this would be WAY easier if we knew for sure which match was going on last. It should be Edge vs Jericho since Edge won the Rumble but there is probably no shot of that.


John Cena vs. Batista, WWE Championship: Batista

(I think we get 1 heel victory and 1 face victory in the Championship matches. Everything tells me Cena should go over, but, F it, it's my list and I want to see him lose.)

Edge vs. Chris Jericho, World Championship: Edge

(Feel good story and would set up a logical feud for the title with my MITB winner)


Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels, Streak vs. Career: Undertaker

(If they give the rub of breaking the streak to a 40 year old then they have no idea what they are doing. I think HBK simply goes quietly into semi-retirement. The dodgey eye thing makes me hope for it actually cause I really don't want HBK to become one of THOSE statistics.)


C.M. Punk vs. Rey Mysterio- CM Punk

(Because watching little kids cry will be my Wrestlemania moment this year.)


Triple H vs. Sheamus: Sheamus

(They better not have wasted my time for the last 6 months only to job him out to HHH. With Cena starting to look like the Ghost of Steroids Past, it's time for more new main eventers. HHH has no streak to protect either. Just do the job and collect your royalty checks Hunter.)


Bret Hart vs. Mr. McMahon, No Holds Barred: Bret

(There is no way I would bet against Bret here, but I really want 2 things to happen here. 1) Both guys come out healthy and 2) McMahon actually does screw him again because I've never liked Bret Hart and this card is built to make little kids cry if done correctly.)


Money-In-The-Bank Ladder Match: Christian

(Christian wins and challenges Edge. Or is that too logical?)


Randy Orton vs. Ted DiBiase vs. Cody Rhodes, Triple-Threat: Cody

(Because he is the most talented member of the group. Yeah, I said it. I also yelled this at Ted from the 5th row in Philly last month and he looked at me like I had 3 heads. Not surprisingly Cody was getting beaten up while this was going on. Ah... um... who am I kidding... Orton will win. I'm just not picking it because I have standards. Oh yeah, can we nickname that that overacted Hoganism he does when excited as "The Snakegasm"? I say yes.)


Big Show & The Miz vs. John Morrison & R-Truth, Unified Tag Team Championship: Truth and Morrison

(Have you ever looked at Big Show's WrestleMania record? Dude jobs for everyone... Akibono anyone?)

Random Fantasy Baseball Advice:

1) Draft Joe Mauer
2) Pitching is Underrated
3) Read Eric Karabell and do the exact opposite.
4) If you take someone other then Albert or Hanley with the first 2 picks you should be banned from Fantasy Baseball forever.
5) There are however, 35 guys worth taking at 3... including Joe Mauer.

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the goon
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posted on 3-23-2010 at 08:50 PM Edit Post Reply With Quote
Randy Orton vs. Ted Dibiase vs. Cody Rhodes: I kind of feel crazy picking against Orton, but I'm with williamssl and think Ted gets the win here. I think the way Cody said he was going to be the winner of the match last night on RAW kind of foreshadows this. But of course I won't be shocked at all if Randy does win.

Show-Miz vs. Morrison/R-Truth: I'm going Show and Miz here. Really, I don't think the faces have much of a chance of capturing the belts.

Money In The Bank: Christian seems like the obvious pick, but I like how guys like MVP, Kofi, McIntyre and Ziggler can be seen as maybe, kinda, sorta potential winners. But I'll still pick Christian, which probably means he won't win.

CM Punk vs. Rey Mysterio: Really torn on this one, mainly because Rey hardly ever loses and Punk doesn't win a whole lot. But the storyline possibilities of Rey being forced into the SES are awesome, so I'll go out on a limb and pick Punk here.

Triple H vs. Sheamus: Another tough one to call. Triple H seems like the logical choice, but since the general word is that Triple H is high on Sheamus, I could see him maybe putting the guy over. I'll go ahead and still pick Triple H though, just because.

Bret Hart vs. Vince McMahon: I don't feel Bret winning is as much of a lock as I once did, but I still think this one has to end with Vince tapping to the sharpshooter, so I'll pick Bret.

The Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels: Part of me wants to say they won't do the same finish two years in a row, but I gotta go with Taker to win.

Chris Jericho vs. Edge: If this somehow winds up the main event, then definitely Edge. But because it likely won't, I'm going to say Jericho sneaks out a victory here. My upset pick for Mania.

John Cena vs. Batista: It seems like Cena has to pick up the title here and if this main events the show, then I gotta say no question. Cena wins it.

Surprises/wildcards: While just typing in the Bret Hart thread a minute ago, I came up with a wacky idea. What if Bret costs Shawn his match (and career) against Taker? Bret could win his match against Vince earlier in the night, then come out later and cost Shawn the match, thus turning Bret heel and maybe aligning him with the Hart Dynasty the next night on RAW. Okay, so I'll give this about a 1% chance of happening, but it crossed my mind.

The only other crazy thing I could come up with is if Christian wins MITB, Jericho retains against Edge, and then Christian comes out and beats Jericho for the title. The main problem though would be that if Cena wins his match, it puts both titles on RAW. Again, I'd give this about a 1% chance of happening, but it'd certainly make for a classic WrestleMania moment.

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SpeciASSl CUMedian

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posted on 3-23-2010 at 09:24 PM Edit Post Reply With Quote
"The only other crazy thing I could come up with is if Christian wins MITB, Jericho retains against Edge, and then Christian comes out and beats Jericho for the title. The main problem though would be that if Cena wins his match, it puts both titles on RAW. Again, I'd give this about a 1% chance of happening, but it'd certainly make for a classic WrestleMania moment."

1) Good idea. I was thinking about the same thing except for Christian cashing it in on Edge. Either way, it would kick major ass, but I don't think it happens. Frankly, I think the first time someone cashes in the MITB the night they get it will involve cashing in on champion Undertaker to end his streak... one day.

2) 2 Raw champions isn't a big deal because the draft is probably in 2 weeks.

Good ideas though.

Random Fantasy Baseball Advice:

1) Draft Joe Mauer
2) Pitching is Underrated
3) Read Eric Karabell and do the exact opposite.
4) If you take someone other then Albert or Hanley with the first 2 picks you should be banned from Fantasy Baseball forever.
5) There are however, 35 guys worth taking at 3... including Joe Mauer.

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posted on 3-23-2010 at 09:34 PM Edit Post Reply With Quote
John Cena vs. Batista, WWE Championship: John Cena (although Batista has been 100X better in this feud)

Edge vs. Chris Jericho, World Championship: Edge

Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels, Streak vs. Career: Shawn Michaels (I can't see HBK retiring)

C.M. Punk vs. Rey Mysterio- Rey Rey (only because I think I read he's injured and I can see Rey getting a fluke win and SES beating the crap out of him afterwards to write him out for a while)

Triple H vs. Sheamus: Sheamus (HHH has seemed a bit banged up and I can see Sheamus with a semi-dominant win here to write HHH out for a bit)

Bret Hart vs. Mr. McMahon, No Holds Barred: Bret (despite this week's ominous words from Vince)

Money-In-The-Bank Ladder Match: Drew McIntyre (even though he doesn't deserve it at all)

Randy Orton vs. Ted DiBiase vs. Cody Rhodes, Triple-Threat: Ted DiBiase

Big Show & The Miz vs. John Morrison & R-Truth, Unified Tag Team Championship: Show Miz

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posted on 3-23-2010 at 10:19 PM Edit Post Reply With Quote
Cena vs. Batasta- Cena will win, I will cry, DK will be happy.

Undertaker vs. HBK- Forget the streak the way this feud has played out it will be HBK�s legacy that�s fucked if he loses so: HBK

Edge vs. Jericho- Jericho (hopefully)

Orton vs. Dibiase vs. Rhodes- Legacy implodes, Orton wins, I stop crying.

MITB- I would be happy with Shelton, Kofi, or Christian winning so Ziggler just to piss me off. (I�d also be cool with Swagger.)

HHH vs. Sheamus- HHH sorry Sheamus you are now a joke mid-carder you deserved better.

ShowMiz vs. Morrison& Truth- ShowMiz cause they is AWESOME!!!

Hart vs. McMahon- Some sort of schmozzy no contest????

Punk vs. Mysterio- God I hate Rey, please let Punk win.

That�s all I got. On a different note if anyone knows of any maybe not so legal places I can get a stream of WM feel free to U2U me thanks.

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posted on 3-24-2010 at 03:13 AM Edit Post Reply With Quote
John Cena vs. Batista, WWE Championship: David Batista retains

Edge vs. Chris Jericho, World Championship: Chris Jericho retains

Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels, Streak vs. Career: HBK, the boyhood dream comes true

C.M. Punk vs. Rey Mysterio- Rey Mysterio

Triple H vs. Sheamus: Triple H

Bret Hart vs. Mr. McMahon, No Holds Barred: Bret Hart, with the Dynasty getting involved

Money-In-The-Bank Ladder Match: Christian

Randy Orton vs. Ted DiBiase vs. Cody Rhodes, Triple-Threat: Orton, with Rhodes turning on Dibiase

Big Show & The Miz vs. John Morrison & R-Truth, Unified Tag Team Championship: Show and Miz

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posted on 3-24-2010 at 03:24 AM Edit Post Reply With Quote
WWE Title: Cena, for the happy ending to the show

World Heavyweight Title: Jericho, since a face will win the other belt, and Jericho/Edge needs to be more than a one-match story

Taker/Michaels: Taker, and Shawn (gasp) doesn't retire! Just takes a vacation.

Punk/Rey: Punk wins, as like Jericho/Edge, this should be a more than one-match feud.

Triple H/Sheamus: Triple H. Sheamus should win, but I have too many heels winning in other matches for a Wrestlemania, so Hunter takes this one.

Hart/McMahon: Easiest to call. Hart takes few/no bumps, beats Vince with various objects, Sharpshooter, tap out, and Vince's Mania record drops to 0-4 (with losses to Shane, Hogan, and Michaels previously).

Money In The Bank: Christian seems most likely, but I have a feeling McIntyre takes it after they spent so much time building to his mere qualification

Orton/Rhodes/DiBiase: Either Rhodes or DiBiase turns on the other and aligns with Orton, allowing Orton to get the win. My money's on Cody turning, and Orton pins Ted. Yes, this is completely retarded, but this is also WWE.

ShowMiz vs Truth/Morrison: I like the Truth/Morrison team, but they're a makeshift team, and ShowMiz isn't losing the belts yet. Champs retain.

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posted on 3-24-2010 at 03:26 AM Edit Post Reply With Quote
Originally posted by RockyTopWrestling
John Cena vs. Batista, WWE Championship: David Batista retains

Edge vs. Chris Jericho, World Championship: Chris Jericho retains

Just out of pure curiosity, why do you think both heels retain? Unless Taker/Michaels is the main event, I have to think that at least one face walks out of WrestleMania as champion.

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posted on 3-24-2010 at 12:05 PM Edit Post Reply With Quote
I think both will retain because yes, Taker and Micheals will main event... also the builds are not long enough to these stories.

The WWE is trying to make us care about these stories that are less than 2 months old by jamming a bunch of back story from over a year ago into the videos. I think this mania will be a good beginning for these two feuds but the big payoff will be at SummerSlam.

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posted on 3-24-2010 at 02:50 PM Edit Post Reply With Quote
ShowMiz vs Truth and Wisdom - ShowMiz with an assist from David Otunga, who turns on Truth to get Miz's NXT vote

MITB - Christian (please)

Punk vs Rey - Punk, his victory is a much more interesting story

Cena vs Batista - I think Batista's got to win this to keep his character going. If Cena wins, we're back to square 1.

Hart vs Mcmahon - How come no one here expects Mcmahon to have some kind of backup in this match, like he did for the Cena gauntlet? Either he gets Hart Dynasty, or he gets someone else and Hart Dynasty turns face to make the save. Bret wins.

Jericho vs Edge - Edge is about to win when Christian runs down, clocks him with a briefcase and wins the championship. Christian is heel, 1 champ on Raw and 1 on SD, plus a 3-way TLC at Extreme Rules.

HBK vs Taker - Taker, and he says "I'm sorry, I love you" right before the last Tombstone

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posted on 3-24-2010 at 04:40 PM Edit Post Reply With Quote
My picks:

Cena. I also predict he gets booed.
Edge (this should close the show).
Christian or Kane for MitB. I'll pick a definite by Friday...
Punk (hello, old LWO storyline!). Punk to be shaved or have Rey freed by Summerslam. No reason to put Punks hair on the line. Mask vs Freedom will be enough.
Hart (with multiple run ins and a face turn for the Dynasty).
Morrison/Truth (crowd pleasing show opener, Otunga/Bryan interfere - both in full wrestling gear, in spite of not being booked to appear anywhere remotely near the show!)

Did I miss anything?

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posted on 3-24-2010 at 05:03 PM Edit Post Reply With Quote
Ok, I know Edge won the Rumble and all, buy why are people saying Edge/Jericho should go on last? That is WAY behind Batista/Cena, UT/HBK, and Bret/Vince in how they've been promoting this. Heck, it may even be behind MITB in some people's minds for most anticipated match on the card. Unless you want those guys to die a slow, heatless death, there's no way that should go on last.

Did we learn nothing from the crowd getting completely burned out after UT/HBK last year? I'd say this year's rematch is even more anticipated and will have way more heat to it than last year, so that is the "main event" this year. Nothing will be able to follow the drama they're going to pull out, IMO.

I love me some Jericho, but they should not be going on last. This is really the beginning of their feud, and it's a largely heatless match right now. I'd say that match is going to be the 3rd or 4th on the card, if they're THAT lucky. Then they can have a nice post-WM program where the heat picks up and then they can truly headline one of the other upcoming "lesser" PPVs, like the Over The Limit show in May or something

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posted on 3-24-2010 at 05:26 PM Edit Post Reply With Quote
ShowMiz over Truth/Morrison

Mainly because ShowMiz is kind of a hot act and I don't really think Truth and Morrison have any kind of long-term team potential like ShowMiz does. I wouldn't be surprised if I'm off on this prediction a bit and the faces win by DQ or something, but I don't see ShowMiz leaving WM without the tag belts. I do recall reading recently that Morrison might be on track for a heel turn so maybe that begins here. I know everyone around here is pretty indifferent at best to Truth, but match-wise that's a good feud to run.

MitB: Christian

Christian is such a glaringly obvious winner that I'm almost convinced he's not winning, but I don't know who else is this match is a viable choice to win. Shelton, Kingston, and McIntyre are all outside shots (the other six guys have virtually no shot at winning this), I suppose, but Christian is the only guy in the match who could convincingly cash in on the title shot later in the night and have the fans buying into it. The other three guys are all a work in process, even Kingston. So yeah, smart money says Christian even though my gut says "so obvious WWE is gonna swerve us and go somewhere different".

Cody Rhodes over Ted DiBiase and Randy Orton

I know most of you guys think Cody is going to help Orton win, but I'm not buying it. Orton's face turn is sticking around. Next best bet is for Cody to get the pin on DiBiase to set up a face turn for DiBiase after Mania, remove Orton from that scene entirely, and give Cody the credibility he's going to need to make DiBiase's face turn work.

CM Punk over Rey Mysterio

Rey joining the SES makes for all sorts of interesting storyline possibilities. Obviously he won't be demasking but there's still a lot they can do there.

Also, my prediction for comic book character Rey dresses as this year: Iron Man.

Sheamus over Triple H

It's a ballsy pick and I don't feel too confident about this one, but if Triple H sees as much in Sheamus as the rumors say I can see him putting him over. This could also be the first step in Hunter putting together a second version of Evolution, as a heel turn is due for him and it would fit his character to decide after being defeated by Sheamus, it would be better for him to keep him as an ally than an enemy, going the "yeah, you beat me, but there's still plenty you can learn from me route".

Bret Hart over Vince McMahon

Anything other than this outcome is a waste of the last 12 years.

Undertaker over HBK

As much as I wish the opposite, it's pretty retarded to venture a guess in the other direction. That said, I honestly don't think we'll have seen the last of Shawn Michaels, either.

Jericho over Edge

I like both these guys so I don't care who wins, but they really should let Jericho win here just to make it less of a foregone conclusion that a Rumble win = a title win at Mania. Also, this leads to the possibility of Christian cashing in on his MitB shot and jumping ship to Smackdown where he's needed.

Cena over Batista

Batista's title run has been marginally enjoyable to me, but I can't picture a scenario where Cena doesn't win the title to close out the show and send everybody home happy.

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posted on 3-24-2010 at 06:29 PM Edit Post Reply With Quote
Cena over Batista - Sets them up well for a rubber match at some point...which could be held off for a while since Bats is on Smackdown...of course that could change at any time too.

Jericho over Edge - Figure some cheating or a small-package type finish allows them to go to a ladder match at Extreme Rules. One of the champions has to retain.

Kofi Kingston wins the MitB match - Have to go a little out of the ordinary somewhere, and this works. McIntyre, despite Sheamus, seems way to early to go there. Christian seems to make sense if they want to cash it in that night, and wouldn't really change the Smackdown main event much. I never get this right, and the WWE hasn't really shown preference to anyone other than McIntyre and slightly Swagger in the past weeks. So I'll stick with Kofi doing some ridiculous jump to grab the case and win.

Punk over Rey - Rey will have something interesting to do. And really, if he needs the knee surgery, the first thing Punk could do is ground Rey and say that he doesn't want him influencing the children of the world and bans him from competing. This way Rey can still be out there, can get his knee surgery, but can do two things at once.

Orton over Legacy - I expect double RKOs and the second loudest pop of the night...

Bret Hart over Vince - only smaller than the moment Hart puts Vince in the Sharpshooter and puts a bow on at least this chapter of his life. Knowing Vince and his penchant for having guys come out to help him, I wonder what side the Hart Dynasty will fall on.

ShowMiz over Truth/Morrison - There seems to be a lot more heel teams than face teams, and the faces winning would be more convient, but if they turn the Harts at WM, perhaps a feud between the Harts and ShowMiz, with Bret hanging around a little longer, could make for one hell of a tag feud. At least they built up Truth/Morrison enough for this to be a realistic tag match.

And finally,

Undertaker over HBK - That's it for regularly competing HBK...although most likely, its the end for both. I think they get a great cheering ending and goodbye at the end of this, and we don't see either one for the majority of the rest of this year. The more I think of it, the more this has to be the last match. Even if HBK loses, it's not an unhappy ending because everyone will cheer, the wrestlers can come out to say goodbye, and we could still have a nice way to end the PPV. But the not ending.

EDIT: Whoops...missed one match.

Sheamus over HHH - If HHH is really committed to putting over Sheamus, just facing off at Wrestlemania isn't enough. He has to put him over. HHH can get his heat back at the next PPV, but for historical purposes, this needs to be a big win for Sheamus.

Edit 2:
Originally posted by Chris Is Good517
Sheamus over Triple H

It's a ballsy pick and I don't feel too confident about this one, but if Triple H sees as much in Sheamus as the rumors say I can see him putting him over. This could also be the first step in Hunter putting together a second version of Evolution, as a heel turn is due for him and it would fit his character to decide after being defeated by Sheamus, it would be better for him to keep him as an ally than an enemy, going the "yeah, you beat me, but there's still plenty you can learn from me route".

Didn't see this before either, but I love this idea. HHH is overdue to go heel, especially without HBK around. Starting a new group with him and Sheamus and 2 others (oh, I don't know, how about Legacy in a way to really cement an Orton face turn) could be a great way to keep HHH heel in this day and age where he's cheered a lot.

[Edited on 3-24-2010 by S Kid J E T S 48]

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SpeciASSl CUMedian

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posted on 3-24-2010 at 08:39 PM Edit Post Reply With Quote
Random Legacy question...

What would make the WWE (or anyone for that matter) think that Ted Jr has ANY sort of ablity to play a face?

Seriously, break it down.

1) Too big to be an underdog face.
2) Too small to be a giant face.
3) A "history" that includes him being a pampered millionaire's child who can just up and buy a fucking NASCAR because he feels like it.
4) No cool flippy moves.
5) No underground swell of fan support.
6) No individual titles ever won.

I'm honestly stumped as to why turning Ted Jr into a good guy is even remotely plausible at this point. At least Cody is underdog sized and has a much more likeable "history" of being the son of the son of a plumber.

I will admit to being a fan of everything that is the Rhodes family... for some reason... so I am clearly biased.

Random Fantasy Booking Tangent...

Can't they figure out a way to bring back Dusty, and then get Cody and Goldust on the same side? I would love everything about a Rhodes Family Faction.

Random Fantasy Baseball Advice:

1) Draft Joe Mauer
2) Pitching is Underrated
3) Read Eric Karabell and do the exact opposite.
4) If you take someone other then Albert or Hanley with the first 2 picks you should be banned from Fantasy Baseball forever.
5) There are however, 35 guys worth taking at 3... including Joe Mauer.

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posted on 3-24-2010 at 08:45 PM Edit Post Reply With Quote

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posted on 3-24-2010 at 08:47 PM Edit Post Reply With Quote
I think people are still remembering how he was supposedly going to turn face to help his movie. But since he didn't turn face for that, I don't see any reason for him to turn face any time soon.

And since you brought up the family connection: I mentioned last week that, since the Legacy break-up, Cody has started using some Hardcore Holly moves. Monday, he actually pulled out a Golddust move. Will we see the Shattered Dreams at WM?

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posted on 3-24-2010 at 09:00 PM Edit Post Reply With Quote
Truth/Morrison over ShowMiz

Miz is sooo over right now, I think maybe the most over on the card, and with that I think Show is probably at a apex of over right now that he has been in years. Its a crime that ShowMiz not win this match. I have a sneaking suspicion that a certain NXT rookie is gonna royally screw Miz here setting up one of the better US title feuds that has been in years.

MitB: Shelton Benjamin

I don't think they are going to push the trigger on Christian, and I think they are going to reward Shelton for his other MITB performances. I do think this will be the first winner to cash in and lose the match.

Randy Orton over Ted Dibiase and Cody Rhodes

I hate this match so very much. I think they should continue paring Cody and Dibiase and just have them tag, they should have been tag champs by now, and let this team simmer for a year or so. I hate Orton but I can say at least I have been hating him slightly less....but Id rather skip this match. Orton wins after Ted and Cody's ego won't allow the other to pin a beat up Orton. Ted eats a RKO.

CM Punk over Rey Mysterio

CM Punk all the way. CM Punks character is so hot right now. I wish we could have switched Punk with Sheamus this year, but it wasn't meant to be. Punk and Mysterio will be fun but Punk puts Mysterio to sleep with too much high flying. Rey wins the feud having CM Punk shave at the end.

Sheamus over Triple H

Triple H is winning this match. I think HHH has alot of value left and he needs to win this one, he hasn't done well at WM in a while. I do see Sheamus eventually joining HHH though in a heel stable. HHH has alot of good rub to give CM Punk, and The Miz, both feuds need to happen. Sheamus is not going to be able to carry the company but will always be good in the Kane roll.

Bret Hart over Vince McMahon

This match has a false finish. Montreal screwjob is revisited and Vince has the ref say Bret tapped out. Someone comes out probably Austin and convinces Vince that perhaps Bret didnt' tap out. Bret Sharpshooters Vince and Vince loses. Its a shame HBK should be involved in this in some way but its not meant to be.

Undertaker over HBK

Undertaker is not losing this match. This storyline is just awesome though and to not have this close the show is a crime not only to UT and HBK, but to any poor match that has to follow.... which I believe will be a womans match in some fashion. HBK steals the damn show every year, they need to put this on last because WWE can think what they want this is whats going to get all the buys this year.

Jericho over Edge

Has Jericho ever won a big one at Wrestlemania? I don't think so I think Jericho wins this match, but would not be shocked to see Edge win. Jericho wins here and loses next month to Edge at that PPV.

Cena over Batista

Batista's character is so badass right now, and has verbally made Cena his bitch, physcially made Cena his bitch, that though Batista shoudl win, Cena is walking out the winner in this one. Cena is the face of the franchise, and I think you get better main events with Cena as champion that you do with Batista.

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posted on 3-25-2010 at 04:24 AM Edit Post Reply With Quote
John Cena vs. Batista, WWE Championship:

Edge vs. Chris Jericho, World Championship:


Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels, Streak vs. Career:

C.M. Punk vs. Rey Mysterio-

Triple H vs. Sheamus:

Bret Hart vs. Mr. McMahon, No Holds Barred:

Money-In-The-Bank Ladder Match:


Randy Orton vs. Ted DiBiase vs. Cody Rhodes, Triple-Threat:

Big Show & The Miz vs. John Morrison & R-Truth, Unified Tag Team Championship: Show and Miz

Originally posted by nOOb
As poorly spelled as that e-mail was, I cannot help but have my interest drawn. I hate you btrain.

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posted on 3-25-2010 at 05:46 AM Edit Post Reply With Quote
Cena/Batista - Cena wins, because he's been looking like a total bitch for about a month. Batista gets drafted back to RAW and you'll get Cena/Batista in a cage at Extreme Rules.

Edge/Jericho - Edge wins and Jericho gets his rematch in a Ladder Match at Extreme Rules (which he wins, but....)

Taker/HBK - I thought HBK up until about 24 hours ago, but I'm changing my mind and going with Taker to win. HBK somehow comes back several months from now, convinces/tricks/baits Taker into "one more shot," and retires Taker at WM XXVII.

Punk/Mysterio - Punk wins. Rey joins SES. Punk continues to be super entertaining. Black Cena eventually joins SES and is ordered to punish Rey. Rey keeps beating him because he sucks, even more because he had to shave his stupid sticky-uppy hair (which is magical like a HoF ring). Gallows is next in line but Rey keeps beating him too. Finally some other guy gets included in SES and destroys Rey. Punk laughs a lot.

HHH/Sheamus - HHH wins in a very physical match. Sheamus gets pissed on the next RAW and attacks HHH. They have a rematch at Extreme Rules (Last Man Standing). Sheamus wins that match, brutalizing HHH (he takes time off), and finally gets cemented as a ruthless aggressor.

Hart/McMahon - Hart wins. Would be absolutely shocked if anything other than this occurs. Fully expect tons of thugs to act on McMahon's behalf. Not sure who defends Hart though (don't think it'll be the Hart Dynasty - makes too much sense). I could fully see Austin arriving to a huge pop, subsequently stunning everyone, and taunting Vince while Hart sharpshoots him to hell. Austin (the character) hating Vince so much that Austin being Bret's savior makes the most sense to me. No one would care about Hart Dynasty making the save, even though it would be great for them on so many levels.

MitB match - Christian wins. I'm really tempted to pick someone else, because Christian seems too obvious. But I'll stick with Christian (....who cashes in on Jericho after a "vintage" Ladder match between Jericho and Edge at Extreme Rules, taking the title and creating major friction on NXT to liven things up a bit).

Orton/Rhodes/Dibiase - Orton wins. Orton remains an uber face, thus pissing off 98.9% of the IWC. Rhodes/Dibiase cost each other during the match, argue after the match, thus leading to some feud between the two of them (where they'll have some kind of match at Extreme Rules - perhaps a "No Knee Pads" match). This will piss off 97.3% of the IWC.

ShowMiz/MorrTruth - MorrTruth wins. I changed my mind on this one recently too. Bryan somehow costs ShowMiz the match, probably only by distraction. Miz will get pissed on the next NXT, Bryan will point out Miz hasn't been there for two weeks, and Miz punishes Bryan for the next several weeks with more awful matches to make Bryan 0-900. As (I think) Rick said in the NXT thread, Bryan's first win will be for the United States Championship. This will be awesome for Bryan - and for Miz in the long run.

Face Divas will beat Heel Divas in a yet-to-be announced match. Eve will pin Maryse.

I know that is almost all face wins, but it's how I see things shaking down.

Early Wrestlemania 2011 prediction: Miz wins MitB.

"I guess my heaviest experience is gravity...keeps my feet's like weighing me down...I can't get my arms up my legs fall...I'm falling down and I can''s making me heavier...I'm heavier...I can't move...Now I'm a dead dog in water...I can't...I'm floating but I sink to the water...I'm a wet sandwich...wet with meat...I'm broken salami...tiny mustaches are heavy...I'm falling...."

- Chester from Sifl and Olly

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posted on 3-25-2010 at 02:34 PM Edit Post Reply With Quote
I copied and pasted montecarl's predictions and changed a few to suit what I think is gonna happen. Only a few minor changes.

John Cena vs. Batista, WWE Championship: Batista

Edge vs. Chris Jericho, World Championship: Christian after cashing in money in the bank at the BEGINNING of the match to make it a triple threat

Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels, Streak vs. Career: Taker

C.M. Punk vs. Rey Mysterio: CM Punk

Triple H vs. Sheamus: Triple H

Bret Hart vs. Mr. McMahon, No Holds Barred: Bret in a squash

Money-In-The-Bank Ladder Match: Christian

Randy Orton vs. Ted DiBiase vs. Cody Rhodes, Triple-Threat: DiBiase wins by pinning Rhodes

Big Show & The Miz vs. John Morrison & R-Truth, Unified Tag Team Championship: Show and Miz

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posted on 3-25-2010 at 02:59 PM Edit Post Reply With Quote
John Cena vs. Batista - John Cena

Edge vs. Chris Jericho - Chris Jericho

Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels, Streak vs. Career: Undertaker

C.M. Punk vs. Rey Mysterio: CM Punk

Triple H vs. Sheamus: Triple H

Bret Hart vs. Mr. McMahon, No Holds Barred: Bret Hart

Money-In-The-Bank Ladder Match: Christian

Randy Orton vs. Ted DiBiase vs. Cody Rhodes, Triple-Threat: Randy Orton

Big Show & The Miz vs. John Morrison & R-Truth, Unified Tag Team Championship: Big Show and The Miz

A great many things in this world are a mystery. There can be great fun trying to figure them out.

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The Great One

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posted on 3-25-2010 at 03:16 PM Edit Post Reply With Quote
John Cena vs. Batista, WWE Championship: Cena. Batista has just about all the momentum

Edge vs. Chris Jericho, World Championship: Edge. Oh, and.... Spear.

Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels, Streak vs. Career: Undertaker. The Streak will not be broken, but this match isn't as cut-and-dried.

C.M. Punk vs. Rey Mysterio- Mysterio, but by DQ. SES kills Rey so he can go get his knee(s) worked on.

Triple H vs. Sheamus: HHH. The note about the HHH/Warrior match was a hint. Pay yer dues, Fella!

Bret Hart vs. Mr. McMahon, No Holds Barred: Bret. Hopefully with a sharpshooter. Vince will bring friends, Bret will bring family.

Money-In-The-Bank Ladder Match: Christian. A "Thank you" for all his work on ECW. Would love to see him cash it in on Cena/Batista that night for a "WM Moment" with E&C.; (heck, I've wanted that moment for some time now)

Randy Orton vs. Ted DiBiase vs. Cody Rhodes, Triple-Threat: Orton, either by the handicap rule (Handicap matches favor the "Handicapped" ... surprisingly NOT a stab at Orton's "Ability" here) or on the B-card rule (No amount of B-carders can hold an A-carder down)

Big Show & The Miz vs. John Morrison & R-Truth, Unified Tag Team Championship: Show and Miz. Would love to see "Truth and Wisdom" with the upset but neither need it. Truth has actually won some matches dating back to February but we'll see.

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