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Author: Subject: OOfficial Ratings/Discussion Thread for: SmackDown (September 4, 2009)
Reeks of WCW

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posted on 9-5-2009 at 12:19 AM Edit Post Reply With Quote
OOfficial Ratings/Discussion Thread for: SmackDown (September 4, 2009)

OO Nation: All discussion pertaining to Smackdown (airing September 4, 2009) should be done in this thread. It will remain pinned at the top of the Current Events section for the remainder of the week. In discussing the program, we'd love it if you shared your numerical rating for the show (from a low of 0.0 to a high of 5.0, in any increment of one-tenth of a point). For full details on the ratings scale and how to join in on this informal "Battle of the Brands," please be sure to check out the OOfficial Guidelines for TV Ratings/Discussion Threads.

Tonight on Smackdown: The only advertised part of the show on is the return of the Undertaker. He attacked the World Heavyweight Champion CM Punk at SummerSlam and is set to face him at Breaking Point. Punk sent Jeff Hardy packing last week but now has a new challenge to deal with. Meanwhile the big unadvertised story is Intercontinental Champion Rey Mysterio Jr who has been suspended for Wellness Violation. Tonight should address that and his match against Dolph Ziggler at Breaking Point. Unified Tag Champions Chris Jericho and Big Show are on SD but their challengers are on RAW so I have no idea what happens with that. And beyond that I'm sure there's a Divas feud or something with Mike Knox or something. Sorry, I'm not really caught up on SD but doing my modly duty and getting this up before the show.

The flOOr is yours, OO Nation. Let your voice be heard and your thoughts on Brand Supremacy be known. Don't wait till after 10pm to post, either. Pre-show previewing and prognosticating is certainly welcome. So discuss, debate, and rate!

[Edited on 9-4-2009 by LuckyLopez]

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posted on 9-5-2009 at 01:07 AM Edit Post Reply With Quote
Just based on Punk doing the Hardy dance, this show can not rate below a 3.0
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the goon
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posted on 9-5-2009 at 03:35 AM Edit Post Reply With Quote
Decent show tonight, with a fucking incredible match in the middle. But more on that later.

I've avoided all spoilers this week, so I admit the "Jeff Hardy" swerve got me for a minute. I was on the phone with a friend and wasn't paying full attention, so my thinking went from "Oh, it's Jeff Hardy" to "Wait a minute, what the fuck is Jeff Hardy doing on?" to "Oh, it's CM Punk." Usual great opening promo from Punk and it was kind of interesting to hear the crowd still chanting for Jeff even when he was discussing the Undertaker. I don't know if anyone has ever taken a break from the business while still being mega-over like Jeff has.

Khali/Finlay vs. Knox/Kane went on too long for my liking. Pretty slow match, that I guess did it's job of furthering the two respective feuds. But nothing I'll remember or care about tomorrow. Though I must say that I'm really digging Knox's "looks like a crazy savage but is actually intelligently spoken" gimmick. And that's saying something, since Knox has never done anything for me. It's amazing what happens when the WWE actually let's a guy speak and become something more than one-dimensional.

I'm actually digging Drew McIntyre. Looks-wise, he kind of reminds me of 1996 era Triple H or something. And he really seems like a guy that should be on ECW (i.e. a new face and non-American), but I like what they're doing with him. He's getting pushed really well for a new guy and my only complaint is that he seems a little too soft spoken on the mic.

Now, onto Mysterio/Morrison. I will fully admit to watching exactly zero PPVs this year (and thus missing Taker/Michaels and many other matches), as well as being a more or less part-time TNA watcher. So with that said, their match tonight is probably my pick for MOTY at this point. Just a fucking insane back and forth match, with both guys completely bringing their A game. When I saw the match announced at the beginning of the show, I absolutely knew that Morrison would be going over. But the match more or less made me forget about that and just completely sucked me in. Just a fantastic match and it amazes me that Mysterio can still occasionally 100% bring it at this point in his career. Maybe it's just because the match is so clear in my mind right now, but I fucking loved it and Morrison is pretty much God at this point.

And a couple of things I thought, it's interesting that this is Morrison's second time winning a title due to a real life situation (though the first time was um, a little more serious). Two, I think the Morrison/Ziggler match at Breaking Point is going to be really interesting. Does Ziggler go 0 for 3 in recent PPV IC title shots or does Morrison's reign come to a quick end (especially considering Ziggler has a pinfall victory on him recently)?

The Diva's match pretty much sucked. If RAW has one thing on Smackdown, I think it's that the women's scene is better (of course, comparing either to TNA's Knockouts makes it a moot point really).

On any other night I would have said that Punk/Matt was a decent main event, but it just seemed really lackluster after Mysterio/Morrison (and the crowd seemed to feel the same way). I don't hate Matt like some do, so I was glad to see him in the main event, but the crowd just seemed burned out after the IC match (and the fact that Matt isn't Jeff). I did really like the ending a lot and thought it was good how Punk stated earlier that Taker's tricks wouldn't work on him, when they did just that. I have a feeling this feud is just warming up and will continue after Breaking Point.

So rating tonight's show, I'd go 5.0 for Mysterio/Morrison and 2.8 for everything else. But based on no mathematical work whatsoever, I'll let Mysterio/Morrison pull things up to a 4.2. Good opening segment, insanely good middle match, decent main event, and good closer, all packed in with a bunch of filler (minus the McIntyre stuff).

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posted on 9-5-2009 at 03:41 AM Edit Post Reply With Quote
Yep, I'd agree with that assessment on Morrison/Rey. Ho. Lee. Crap. The probably could have pulled back a bit on the near-falls at the start but still, just an amazing match with two guys going all out doing their thing.
Opening segment was very good, though I think Punk was starting to lose the crowd with the anaconda thing. Still, I would have rather taken that verbal journey with Punk than have to deal with the sight of Matt with his shirt off. "Mr. Hardy, don't be afraid to walk away from the buffet."

I haven't seen the second hour of the show because I watch it with my little girl and she had to go to bed, but she kept talking about seeing Taker so I'm sure we'll finish it up tomorrow morning. As of now, I'm thinking the show is at 3.7.

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posted on 9-5-2009 at 07:27 AM Edit Post Reply With Quote
Just got home and watched this on DVR, and watned to chime in...

I'd warn against all this Total Manjocking of Rey/Morrison. It was good -- do not get me wrong on this -- but it was "wanker good." You "appreciated" it, you did not love it. It was a missed opportunity in terms of genuine real-world enterainment value and character building, however.

What I mean by this:

Those two went at it as if they were equals.

They are not.

Rey is six inches shorter and eight giga-austins more over than Johnny. They ignored BOTH of these demonstrably truths.

They wrestled as if they were equally sized and as if they were equally gravitas'd tonight, which robbed me of a LOT of what could have been the fun of that match.

As a fer-example: remember when Rey wrestled HBK on the Eddie Memorial Show? HBK wrestled "big." And it stood out because he NEVER gets to do that. It created tension and drama. He didn't wrestle "heel," mind you, but he wrestled "big." And it played into how you bought into that little thowaway match. Body language and psychology were vital to how it came off. And by the end of it, I had a hell of a time and I almost forgot the sucky reason WHY the match was happening.

For Rey/Morrison, they never got over the hump for me; I knew why it was happening, and I could (as a good wanker) "appreciate" the flippity-floppity bits, but that match so totally did not ROCK in the way that a genuine "Match of the Year" does. Morrison wrestled "small," which he isn't (compared to Rey), and he wrestled as Rey's equal (which is also isn't, in terms of objective over-ness).

Missed opportunity.

And I'm not saying this in an anti-Morrison way. I actually mean they missed a chance to make this be his break-out, DVD-keeper, super-awesome moment.... that was just a.... I dunno... a "safe" match.... they knew Johnny had to come out as the babyface champ, so they didn't let him work the style that would actually have made the match rule. And while it was well-performed and it had a GREAT fucking climax, it just did not strike me as particularly memorable.

Let Morrison work "big" (maybe if that means giving off heel vibes, so be it), and make this match ON ITS OWN rule. Instead, they booked it to be a part of Project Morrison, a safe, sanitary, watered-down spot-fest where Johnny must be the good guy and it takes 12 steps to get to the goal and this counts as one (1) simplistic step towards that goal.... and where only 1 misstep can fuck the whole thing up again and set you back to square 1. Letting Morrison/Rey really GO tonight could have jumped them 3 or 4 squares in the 12 step process. They settled for one.

I might settle for that if I knew for sure WHY it happened. If WWE told him to do it that way, if it was mapped out that way, then fine... I'll resign myself to THAT being the current Vision of Awesome by the current batch of diptarded mediocrity-huggers who write the show. But something about my experience, and having met Morrison once, leads me to believe that this is just a case where that dude doesn't yet "get" that one last bit to what makes a "superstar" different from an "Meltzer Star." He's not dumb, really, but he's not real-time quick-witted, either, if you catch my drift, and he'd rather read about his "awesomeness" in a newsletter rather than bask in it, in front of an audience he just totally owned. I think he was OK with that match going the way it did; and I think he's wrong. Dude does amazing shit, but he just doesn't get how to make that shit mean as much as others have. Yet.

My own damn opinon, anyway.

The REAL MVP tonight? It was Punk and it wasn't even close. Anybody who likes wrestling and didn't watch SD tonight should youtube that before they youtube Rey/Johnny. That promo was incredible. It touched on stuff I didn't think WWE would let him touch on, and just I don't just mean his stances on drugs and shit... he called Taker out for being "Gay Spooky" (in almost those exact words). I simultaneously hate and love this whiskey-phobic, truth-telling bastard. That main event was good, too; not "wanker good" in terms of action, but it told the story it needed to with great aplomb.

And I told you people two moths ago: "We Want Hardy" will make "We Want Flair" (circa 1993) look like chump change. It's only been 5 days so far, and it ALREADY started on tonight's show.

Rest of the show was kinda filler, I guess. But I do get a laugh out of how JR seems to be going out of his way to acknowledge incremental improvements by Eve (which are real, but minor) while ignoring the fact that Layla's the one of that bunch who is actually naturally gifted. Layla might have some Trish in her, which is good if it keeps developing; Eve is able and willing and might have some Lita in her, but she looks awkward as hell doing it.

Also: I'm going to keep on overselling the "Anivilcious" label for Nattie until it sticks. She deserves it. How does anything that came out of Jim Neidhart entertain me that much?


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the goon
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posted on 9-5-2009 at 08:12 AM Edit Post Reply With Quote
I am fairly drunk right now, but Rick, I will just say that I absolutely, 100% disagree with you about Mysterio/Morrison.

On the flipside, I will agree with you about Punk being awesome. I said last week that he was the number one overall guy in the WWE (if not all of pro wrestling) and I stand by it tonight. If Jeff decides to come back in time for WrestleMania XXVI, there's one of your title matches.

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posted on 9-5-2009 at 08:58 AM Edit Post Reply With Quote
Opening segment was just too many kinds of awesome. Classic heel move that never gets old...heel coming out disguised as a face. Loved it! And Punk was just his usual awesome self on the mic. I love it when we get those rare, smarky heels that get permission to basically call WWE and it's biggest stars out on it's crap (I still remember Edge ripping into Candice Michelle after she won that Battle Royal). Mocking Undertaker's "magic tricks" was pretty refreshing.

Kane/Khali is still going huh? Wow...

I kind of agree with Rick about people making a little too much of Rey/Morrison, although I wouldn't read into quite as much as Rick did, but of course that's what he's paid to do. It was definitely a great and entertaining match, but I wasn't as drawn into this match was I was Michaels/Taker at WM25. For me, a great match is one that can completely hold my attention and keep me entertained....Taker/Michaels did that....Mysterio/Morrison, KINDA did it. There wasn't a story to the match so that kinda made it fail to draw me in.

But to say he's getting suspended for drug use, Rey got one hell of a gracious send-off.

I don't care about R-Truth, therefore I haven't started caring about Drew yet.

I could have enjoyed the women's tag match, but they fucked up and put Maria in it. But the match was decent when the other 3 were involved. And I agree with Rick that Layla's improvement definitely exceeds Eve's....kinda sucks that no one else seems to notice. But of course with TNA's division to compare I guess it's understandable. Nattie just can do no wrong in my book. I just hope she gets her time with the women's title sometime soon.

I really enjoyed the main event...Matt Hardy is a nice little transition into Undertaker, but I can't help but wonder what's next for him. Underaker's return was to the point, but effective.

Overall, there was a lot of filler, but nothing outright terrible, aside from Khali's usual. As always, we had the ever reliable bookends, with a great middle match, that I think was a little overrate, but definitely added to the show.


[Edited on 9-5-2009 by nsuking2005]

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posted on 9-5-2009 at 09:31 AM Edit Post Reply With Quote
Damn, what a show (so far). Absolutely loved Punk as Jeff. I've said it before....he's the man right now across the board. I'm actually glad I started watching wrestling again, if for no other reason than Punk.

Khali/Finlay vs Kane/Knox - too long for my liking. I don't mind Knox and Finlay, but fucking Khali and Kane...jeezus!

Rey vs Morrison - damn....great stuff. Even though I knew who was going to win, it didn't affect my enjoyment. Man, I'm looking forward to these two meeting again.

(For some reason my stream just cut out, so I'll have to try and catch the whole thing later and add to my post...)

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posted on 9-5-2009 at 12:25 PM Edit Post Reply With Quote
Originally posted by DevilSoprano
Just based on Punk doing the Hardy dance, this show can not rate below a 3.0

Having missed the show this comment intrigued me enough to hit youtube....this was truly brilliant heelery from punk.

ETA: the blonde woman shaking her head in heartbroken disgust at his actions was what made it for me.

[Edited on 9-5-2009 by knuckleballschwartz]

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posted on 9-5-2009 at 04:44 PM Edit Post Reply With Quote
I like what they're doing with Drew McIntyre, but the way they handled it this week didn't do R-Truth any favours. Not because he got beat down again, but because they made it clear that McIntyre wasn't scheduled to be on the show this week, which just makes it seem like Truth took an unprovoked beating the week before and didn't want to do anything to get even.

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posted on 9-5-2009 at 05:16 PM Edit Post Reply With Quote
I haven't read any of the posts yet. I just finished watching the opening promo of SmackDown. That was so good that I feel the need to comment on it and the state of wrestling in general:

That promo was a thing of beauty. I really feel like I am witnessing something special going on right now. Wrestling is changing and that feud felt like I was watching something like Steve Austin vs Bret Hart. Something where it kinda says "things haven't been going well for a while but right now we're gearing up for something really really good". Between last nights episode of TNA and that promo, I really feel like we are seeing the future of wrestling. The guys who are gonna stick around long enough to have their names mentioned in the same breath as Ric Flair's or The Rock's. It doesn't feel like it's spinning in it's wheels anymore.

Aside from Punk's mic work, the other thing that made that so beautiful was the camera work. Everything from that group of 3 little kids jumping around ecstatically that Jeff Hardy is here to the disgusted looks on their mothers faces when it was clear it was Punk. The hateful looks on peoples faces was timeless!!! I was laughing my ass of the entire time how well worked that crowd was. And then CM Punks master stroke "Anaconda" comment where he seems to be saying "You guys do drugs while I fuck lots of hot bitches you wish you could get with and my dick is huge too" comment before Matt Hardy runs in. It was absolutely beautiful. It reminded me why I watched WWE after seeing a particularly strong episode of TNA.

More later...

*EDIT* I just realized I'm an idiot. CM Punk has a submission move called the Anaconda Vice. I didn't actually know this until watching the main event of the show. Guess I got dick on my mind.

[Edited on 9-5-2009 by nilesanderson]

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posted on 9-5-2009 at 08:02 PM Edit Post Reply With Quote
I really wish I could find the matches that people go nuts over as good as everyone else. And I'll admit I HATE Rey, but the match was good. Nothing more. It's just that in an era of Kane/Khali and all of the other crap that even the match that seems like it's out of place because it's so much better than what we're used to gets praised way more than it ever should. This goes all the way back to the Taker/HBK match which was decent, but got totally overrated as the greatest match in WM history.

But Punk is great.


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the goon
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posted on 9-5-2009 at 11:08 PM Edit Post Reply With Quote
I don't know, I think anytime you can get a WWE live crowd to chant "This is awesome," the match has got to be pretty damn good.
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posted on 9-6-2009 at 02:03 AM Edit Post Reply With Quote
An even 3 from me.

Man, Matt Hardy is getting an old school wrestler's body like Harley Race or something. Trying to do his old move-set with the extra bloat makes him look quite un-smooth. Here's to hoping he works it off, otherwise I'm thinking it's fair game for some primo Punk promo work.

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The Rowdy One

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posted on 9-6-2009 at 02:22 PM Edit Post Reply With Quote
Originally posted by the goon
I am fairly drunk right now, but Rick, I will just say that I absolutely, 100% disagree with you about Mysterio/Morrison.

Well, I'm not drunk, and I disagree entirely with Rick's assessment. In fact, I would say that, due to his analysis of the match, and looking for certain things, that Rick's the wanker here, not us - especially since the non-wanker live audience fans loved it, too.

I disagree that Morrison should have worked "big." Morrison did what he normally does, as I believe he should. It doesn't make sense to me to have guys do things that they don't normally do, are out of their comfort zone, and take away from what they're good at. Especially in a championship match - do what got you there, and has won you championships in the past.

In fact, the story I got out of it was that, even though there wasn't a hammer-over-the-head statement about Morrison being bigger than Rey - who isn't - it was obvious when the two were wrestling, was that both guys were about equal in ability. Rey - former World (or was it WWE?) Champ; Morrison - former ECW Champ; and both are over/good because of their athleticism. In the eyes of the non-wanker fan, Morrison now is as good as, if not better than, Rey.

While it would have been better to have a backstory, I can forgive its absence, due to the circumstances. The one thing I would have definitely liked to have seen is for Ziggler - who we saw backstage, watching the match on a TV - to come out afterwards and attack Morrison. A simple, but effective, way to get some heat on their match.

I thought it was a great TV match - even a very good to great PPV caliber match. I don't think I'd truly consider it for MOTY, but it was one of the best free matches I've seen this year.

The rest of the show was just kinda there. Punk's promo was good, but I didn't like it as much as others - I think it probably was a little too long. However, I absolutely love - and am very surprised at - how it seems they are basically allowing Punk to just go out and shoot. Yes, I'm sure it's scripted (or at least outlined), but some of the things he's saying are surprising, in that he's basically reenforcing our knowledge that wrestling isn't "real." That being said, about the only thing I really remember from it (and I watched it yesterday) was Punk waiting for the lights to go out and the Undertaker to 'appear before my magical eyes.' Or something like that.

The women's match was just there, the tag match opener was just there, Punk-Hardy was just OK and was there to make Punk more of a heel and further UT-Punk. And nothing else was memorable. Overall - I'd give this show a 3.0, mostly on the strength of the IC Title match.

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posted on 9-6-2009 at 06:02 PM Edit Post Reply With Quote
I agree with you totally, Thom. As far as I can remember, that was the best free TV match I've seen this year. Sure it would have been great to have some backstory and build up, but given the circumstances, they really didn't have that luxury. I guarantee you if they'd thrown together Ziggler vs. Mysterio, it would not have turned out as fantastic. It's amazing how much Morrison's ability has grown in the last three years. It was September 2006 when he had that absolutely terrible PPV match (for the IC Championship, in fact) against Jeff Hardy... and I felt he was terribly unworthy when he won the ECW title. Teaming with the Miz for two years really helped hone his skills, and I think at this point I can say I'm a full on Morrison mark.

That match, along with Punk's work-- and Drew McIntyre jumping out from the crown to attack R-Truth in his street clothes, which I found pretty hilarious-- means this show earns an easy 4.0 from me.

[Edited on 9-6-2009 by punkerhardcore]

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posted on 9-6-2009 at 06:03 PM Edit Post Reply With Quote
Jesus Christ... twice in the span of like half an hour I hit quote instead of edit. Mod, feel free to knock my post count down a couple notches.

[Edited on 9-6-2009 by punkerhardcore]

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posted on 9-6-2009 at 06:30 PM Edit Post Reply With Quote
Originally posted by Thom
That being said, about the only thing I really remember from it (and I watched it yesterday) was Punk waiting for the lights to go out and the Undertaker to 'appear before my magical eyes.'

That stood out to me because I thought Undertaker was the magical one, but apparently it's our own eyes that are magical. A twist that only Russo could write.

Punk's promo was epic, IMO. It didn't go on too long for me. If the promo's good enough, I can sit and listen for as long as it goes on. And I think that promo was good enough for it.

I loved the IC title match, but of course that's something I would love. I agree with Thom and thought the exact same thing before seeing that he typed it: Morrison is expected to work the way he always works, even with a smaller opponent. To try to work a different style that he has not adapted to or gotten used to would be the wrong decision, especially trying to do that for the first time in a championship match.

And I'm with goon about Drew McIntyre's street clothes and hairstyle seeming old school (mid-90s). I love it.

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posted on 9-6-2009 at 07:17 PM Edit Post Reply With Quote
I am not going to continue the dog pile on Rick's opinion of Morrison/Mysterio. Everyone is entitled to their opinion and mine is that that was by far the best free match we have seen all year. This is coming from someone who doesn't even like Mysterio that much. As mentioned earlier, when you get the "This is Awesome" chant from a WWE crowd, you have really done something. At this point Morrison can do no wrong in the ring. The man is truly a wrestling god!

My hope is that Rey will learn that he is not above the law. The WWE was around before him and will be around long after he is gone. Just because you can sell a few masks, doesn't make you invulnerable.

CM Punks mic work was nothing short of genius. I always knew he would make a better heel than a face, but I really didn't expect him to be this good.

Despite the Khali/Kane stuff, this show was terrific. Final Score: 4.25

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Al Snown3d

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posted on 9-7-2009 at 03:35 PM Edit Post Reply With Quote
I'm surprised nobody mentioned the Joan Mir� painting in the Maria/McCool segment. WWE finally pushing the product to the modernist painters loving public.

[Edited on 9-7-2009 by Al Snown3d]

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posted on 9-7-2009 at 08:51 PM Edit Post Reply With Quote
I found the Mysterio/Morrison match better than what Rick has stated, but not a match of the year candidate.

While it was basically a perfectly laid out and competed match, it still didn't have the big time feel it should have because they couldn't put it at the end of the night like they should have (obviously they couldn't do anything like that if they were returning the Undertaker that night).

I still have UT/HBK well ahead, and Rey/Jericho, and others like the Hardy/Punk TLC match ahead of this one. But its easy to forget, it's a big step for a guy like Morrison to have a match like this and to look like he's on the same level as Rey Mysterio. We've seen so much out of him since his singles start on Smackdown that maybe we forget how much he's grown. But this one was pretty special. I'm also glad to see that Rey Mysterio still has his fastball when needed. Even if he's been enhanced to do it. I'd love to see a rematch at a ppv, maybe even involving Ziggler if he's champ when Rey returns because its going to be a while till its Morrison's turn in the main event scene.

Everything else except any Divas stuff didn't bother me. So I give the show a 4.25.

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posted on 9-7-2009 at 10:59 PM Edit Post Reply With Quote
Originally posted by S Kid J E T S 48
Everything else except any Divas stuff didn't bother me.

I find it amazing that on a show where Khali attempts to wrestle, a perfectly fine diva's match is what bothers you....

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Chris Is Good517
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posted on 9-8-2009 at 12:17 AM Edit Post Reply With Quote
Originally posted by desjr001
Man, Matt Hardy is getting an old school wrestler's body like Harley Race or something. Trying to do his old move-set with the extra bloat makes him look quite un-smooth. Here's to hoping he works it off, otherwise I'm thinking it's fair game for some primo Punk promo work.

Yeah, he's getting quite thick around the middle, isn't he?

I know its played out around here to bash Michelle McCool, but Jesus, she really sucks at talking. "If you lay one finger on me again I'll have you arrested". Really? It's wrestling. Can someone even make that threat?

I hope she suffers a career ending injury and I don't even feel bad about saying it.

(Adjusts webcam) Hey what up y'all. This y'all girl Lil' J and this lil' girl right here (pause) ain't scared of nobody so if you got anything to say to me you can say it to my motherfuckin' face or send me a mother- (pause) or hit me up on my motherfuckin' MySpace. I ain't scare and this little bitch right here will fuckin' kill yo ass. NICK-GAH. So if you have anything to say you can say it to... (pause) me. (pause). And if you wanna bump let's go cause I ain't scared of yo motherfucking ass, aight, bitch, latah.

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S Kid J E T S 48

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posted on 9-8-2009 at 02:59 AM Edit Post Reply With Quote
Originally posted by nsuking2005
I find it amazing that on a show where Khali attempts to wrestle, a perfectly fine diva's match is what bothers you....

I like Finlay, Knox, and Kane. So it's not completely amazing. I just think its totally worthless to have 2 women's belts when they have maybe 6 competant divas to wrestle. Yeah, they have Natalya, who's great, and Layla and whoever are getting better, but getting better, and actually being any good is a big difference.

Khali may not be any good, but at least he brings being a freakish giant to the table. That's more than Maria can bring.

About Matt....
Originally posted by Chris Is Good517
Yeah, he's getting quite thick around the middle, isn't he?

This can't be the excuse forever, but he had a bad injury to his abdomen or whatever while he was out and he documented a few times that he couldn't exercise that area at all while he was gone. So while he could have stopped eating so much while he was away, I'm guessing at least some of that weight will go away as he gets better.

[Edited on 9-8-2009 by S Kid J E T S 48]

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Semaj B.
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posted on 9-8-2009 at 07:10 AM Edit Post Reply With Quote
Even though Matt has always been a bit rounder than Jeff, I agree SKJ that for now I'd give the guy a pass. Typically post-operatively patients are asked not to lift anything heavier than 5 pounds and post-abdominal surgery patients definitely should not be doing strenuous exercise. Even a fairly hard run can strain a recently repaired abdominal muscle and re-tear it. However since he's been cleared to return to the ring, he should be able to resume a normal work-out schedule.

I have to go on record and defend Michelle McCool here, sure she isn't the best on the mic, but really none of the women are except for Melina. When was the last time Mickie or Beth Phoenix cut a strong promo (or for that matter Jeff/Matt/Rey/Cena/Orton/Big Show)? I think that McCool does a fair job of taking on the bitchy champ role, she should just remind the others that she is champ all the time. Little things like always shining the belt or bossing the other heel women around even from the sidelines/announcer's table would be a great way to get herself over and give an easy lead in to face turns should any of the heel women catch on with the fans.

Otherwise I agree with others above. Morrison had a really impressive match with Rey, whether this was the out they planned to take with Morrison from the main event or not, I think that a long run with IC belt will help Morrison more than it will Ziggler. Overall I think that Morrison has the better chance of transitioning to the main event especially since Maria is the most interesting thing going on with Ziggler.

Overall: 4.0 on Punk's promo and awesome IC match with deductions for Khali

Edit for score

[Edited on 9-8-2009 by Semaj B.]

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